Album: Early MLP Erasers
Album: Super Erasers 1985
These have beautiful detailed drawings and the pony's name written on them.
Album: Super Erasers 1984
Made by the same company as the 1985 ones, but very different as the ponies do not have symbols
Album: Figurine Erasers
Miniature versions of real MLPs
Album: Figurine erasers - no symbols
These are some of the easier ones to find
Album: G1 erasers
Album: Party Favour Erasers
Album: Hasbro Bradley Erasers
Album: Lemon Treats
Album: Stationary Caddy from Australia
Album: French G1 Erasers
Album: G2 Erasers
Album: G3 Erasers
Album: G3.5 Erasers
Album: FiM Erasers
Album: Cutie Mark Crew erasers
Album: G5 Erasers
Album: MLP Convention Erasers
Album: Retro erasers
Album: Equestria Girls Erasers
Album: Lipstick and cased erasers
All gens
Album: Bootleg erasers
All gens
Album: G1 erasers from Italy